Take time to stop and smell the roses, or coffee in this case!

by St. Johns Coffee

Customers often seem bewildered when we start describing coffees as having, "notes of macadamia nut, cinnamon, blueberry, anise, etc." I've contended for a long time that a lot of developing those olfactory senses is simply to slow down and take the time to savor what you're tasting and/or experiencing. This principal does apply to many more things than just coffee!

 There are those who just seem to posses  a much more sensitive palate than others.  I don't consider myself to be blessed with  that quality. However, a large part of  developing those senses is a "learned"  trait which benefits from just slowing  down.

Prior to getting into the coffee business, my choice of coffee was primarily based on, "this tastes great or this one doesn't." But that was the extent of my criteria. I never took  time to analyze the characteristics that defined either classification.

As we rapidly approach our 8th year anniversary, I feel I'm finally getting a much better grasp on identifying those various profiles which define the taste of the coffees. 

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting people turn their morning coffee brewing into a science experiment. I would just encourage you, when you take that next sip of coffee, truly sip it so the coffee hits as many taste buds as it can and ask yourself what is it you're tasting.

If you would like to practice, please  join us tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 pm in our tasting room as we sample three of our newer coffees. The El Salvador El Pilon, the Costa Rica La Amistad and the Rwanda FTO Coopac.

A friend/customer just shared a great article related to this topic. If you care to read more, just click on the following link. It's a quick read but very informative. 


A huge congratulations this week to our customer, GiGi's Cafe! They were just included as one of the top 15 breakfast locations in Portland!!! I'd like to think it's because of our coffee but, I'm sure it's more than just that. :) Congratulations Mike and Charlene!


And finally, we would like to welcome Chuck's Produce & Street Market to our list of grocers in the Vancouver, WA region. Beginning Wednesday, February 24th, our coffees  will be available at their Mill  Plain store. Greg and I just  visited them yesterday  and  it's a beautiful store.

That's it for this week. Many many thanks for your continued support and keep the coffee flowing!

Mount & Crew