I drink diesel, not decaf!
by St. Johns Coffee
Last week I touched briefly on what makes our coffees so flavorful and described the roasting process and the equipment. This week, I'd like to touch on the subject of the beans themselves.

Arabica beans are grown at higher elevations, are shade grown, slowing the maturation process but which yield a much more developed and smooth flavor profile.
Add to that the fact that ours are organic so one doesn't taste the influence of toxic chemicals which are used in "conventional" coffee cultivation.
On the subject of great coffees... I e-mailed a longtime customer yesterday to let them know the coveted Bolivian Peaberry coffee is about to run out. I offered some suggestions of other coffees they might like to try and received the quote at the left in response.
We have the greatest customers!!!

That said, I just ordered some new coffees a couple days ago. Some won't arrive until May but one I'm very excited about that we've had before is the Timor. Many people LOVED that coffee for its rich chocolate and smoothness. I'll keep you posted.
I've been working on a different solution to our "punch-card" frequent buyer/flyer cards. Many customers don't like adding yet another item to their wallets (not to mention we're asking them to take two) and a lot of people just forget to bring them back so end up with a stack of partially filled cards.

We're in the process of "beta-testing" a way we can accomplish the same thing digitally which means it won't require carrying anything extra in your wallet. When we ask for either a phone number or e-mail address when you make your purchase, that's the reason. And rest assured, those items will never be shared with anyone.
Lately we've been selling out of bagels on the weekends so I've increased our orders beginning tomorrow. If you're interested in purchasing larger quantities of bagels for a specific event, just let me know 24 hours ahead of time and I can order some specifically for you. We offer discounts on purchases of 1/2 dozen or a full dozen.
Many thanks for your continued support and please keep the coffee flowing.
Mount and crew
Shop Hours:
Monday - Friday: 6 am - 5 pm
Saturdays - 8 am - 5 pm
Sundays - 8 am - 5 pm